Out of loving concern for the health and safety of all those who worship at Christ the Vine, we are taking precautions to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our community. For the near future, all on-site gatherings have been postponed. We encourage all of our members to practice good social distancing in their own lives. If possible, stay at home when reasonable. Please keep in your prayers all those who are affected by the ongoing pandemic. No matter what, we remember that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our worship of God does not stop! Instead, CTV is going to stream our worship services. Each Sunday, you are invited to tune into our Facebook Livestream. Below are links that should be helpful to help you facilitate worshp at home:
Christ the Vine Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the WELS.
Below is a brief summary of what we believe about a number of Christian topics. These summaries are based upon a statement from WELS called, "This We Believe." You can read the full statement here: https://wels.net/about-wels/what-we-believe/this-we-believe/
We believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, and 1 Corinthians 2:13) The Bible is Christocentric. The chief goal of God's Word is to teach us about salvation through Christ Jesus Our Lord. (John 5:39)
The Christian faith is Trinitarian. We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We have a God who has revealed himself to us in grace and love. (Exodus 34:6)
Christ and Redemption:
Jesus Christ is the eternal son of God. He is both truly human and truly God. (Colossians 2:9) He came to earth to live in our place, perfectly, and die for our sins. (John 3:16 and Romans 5:8) God reconciled the world to himself in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:19)
Justification by Grace through Faith
Christ has died for all sinners and declared them righteous for his sake. We believe that salvation is a free gift of God, not by works. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Individuals receive this free gift of forgiveness not based upon their merit, but through the gift of faith. Faith is not a work that we do to please God, but a gift that he creates in our hearts.
The Means of Grace:
God, in his infinite wisdom, has chosen to use means to give his spiritual blessings. Through the gospel, the Holy Spirit creates and strengthens saving faith in an individual's heart. (Romans 1:16, 10:17) God also used the Sacrament of Baptism to create and strengthen faith. (Titus 3:5, 1 Peter 3:21, and Acts 2:38) Further, God grants the forgiveness of sins through the Lord's Supper. (Matthew 26:28) In the Lord's Supper, we receive the true body and blood of Christ in, with, and under the bread and wine.
Creeds and Confessions:
We believe that the three ecumenical creeds (the Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian) as well as the Lutheran Confession as contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 express the true doctrine of Scripture.