Out of loving concern for the health and safety of all those who worship at Christ the Vine, we are taking precautions to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our community. For the near future, all on-site gatherings have been postponed. We encourage all of our members to practice good social distancing in their own lives. If possible, stay at home when reasonable. Please keep in your prayers all those who are affected by the ongoing pandemic. No matter what, we remember that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our worship of God does not stop! Instead, CTV is going to stream our worship services. Each Sunday, you are invited to tune into our Facebook Livestream. Below are links that should be helpful to help you facilitate worshp at home:
Worship Resources
Online Worship
Stay Connected
News on the Grapevine
Our weekly newsletter, The Grapevine is emailed out every week.
Our monthly newsletter, CTV News, is available via email and USPS mail.
Please get in touch with the office at office@christthevine.com to request either version be sent to you.
WELS Connection
Check out the WELS website for an update on our Synod's work across the world.
Missed last week's worship?
Check out our archive on YouTube. We also stream each Sunday's service there!